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Hey all,

You know what's been a while? Me, drawing robot ladies. So here's one. It's a request.

Now requestee, I know you asked for two, but I was having way too much fun designing robot ladies because I like drawing robots period and it brings out my inner concept artist so I could only manage one for now also because I was away this weekend and I'm kinda scrambling today to finish it for the delayed release.

I Also wasn't sure which of the two was supposed to be futa. Now I could've asked.

But I could also just go "why not both?" and do that.

So I did that.

Two drawings, two versions. Two futas, two... normal... robot ladies.

Eventually, the second one is coming couple weeks later because I decided to spread 'em out.

So this one's based on a toy I think? Don't know if the toy is from something but I found toys.

SoCarter out.



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