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Hey all,

Look at that it's another Jak girl that isn't even real. Somebody stop me this is getting out of hand.

So, with Ashelin being in the Crimson guard, like I get that she's the daughter of the leader of it all so there may be special privileges in effect, but with her there I figured; 'why not more?'

I mean just because they're not IN the game doesn't mean they can't be a THING, right? There's probably more female officers/soldiers in the force right? So i drew one. So I drew one. And as with Ashelin, I tried to make her look lean and fit, with decently defined muscles, but nothing crazy like the badass wastelander ladies.

I am kind of running out of ideas with the Jak and Daxter pinups now, this may be the last one, but I have some maybe's that I could possibly do as well.

Let's find out next week.

SoCarter out.



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