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Ok now you're just being silly SoCarter, that girl isn't even IN any of the games!

Hey all and yes I am,

We've reached levels of obscurity previously thought impossible, tackling girls that only hypothetically exist but aren't in the series. I mean those roving bands of marauders must be coming from somewhere right? And one would guess such savages have less... moral ways of multiplying.

So there she is, Marauder slave girl.

I'm sure she got those scars before she got captured, surely those brutes aren't THAT sadistic right?


Anyway fun side note, this is the only Jak girl who's gonna get a background, because I drew her sort of leaning against her cell wall but without the background it kinda looked like she was just weirdly holding her arms back for no reason, so I added one in real quick like.

SoCarter out.



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