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Hey all,

This week's Jak girl is a bit different from the usual not only in the way that of course she's even more obscure than the ones that came before, but also that she's in plural... and they're unfinished.

On hindsight, I should have counted on how many I would have to draw to cover all hairstyles and colours (skin was easy, just white with a tan and brown, I added the others myself to make things a bit more diverse) And finished some this week, and the rest the following. Clearly five at once was too much for one week.

Alas, I did not have the foresight to do so, so for this week's Jak girl(s) it'll have to be a wip.

These girls are of course the random npc's that can be seen wandering the streets of haven city, they're not even characters, just simple ai's that wander and panic if you get too close on a zoomer (a hoverbike or car, not the other kind of zoomer) I'm working off concept art, and for the haven city women there's five hairstyles as well as 5 colours. So I drew all of those and assigned the colours at random, added skin colour variations I felt appropriate, and (slightly) messed with the hips, ass, and tits ratios. Again, for diversity. It'd be boring if they were all clones of each other save for hairstyle.

We also welcome a new patron this week! thanks dude, appreciate ya. And we welcome one back, who I never got a notice for for leaving and apparently the patron didn't leave but the payment simply didn't go through or something, and when the patron came back I was again not notified of the return so I think we can chalk that down to a hiccup in the system. But I appreciate you too.

SoCarter out.



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