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*Wipes forehead* phew made it.

Hey all,

A bit late today but I managed to do it despite the heat messing with my drawing tablet, although most of the work I relegated to the weekend because it's not as face-meltingly-hot now. This is for my second patron who requested this few weeks back, at least I think I used the right image he linked me for reference I kinda lost track but I'm pretty sure it's this one because it doesn't belong to anything else I have to work on.

So here's to you dude, appreciate ya (not that I don't appreciate the others love you too big kisses *smooch, wink wink*)

And with that cringe out of the way it's time to go again, see you later today maybe if I manage to push the quick random request out as well,

SoCarter out.




Wow thanks! It looks gr8!