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And I believe that wraps up the oldest of the old TF art! Whew that's 7 months of sketch dumping, I'm almost out of old stuff to post... Well, except for all those WIP pay comics... Maybe a half a dozen unfinished projects there? Hmm... =)

(Once again, link your discord name in your patreon settings to get the Patron role on my server, and see all this old TF)




I get that the technique is "not worth the time and effort" and I would hate to hold you up with writing the documentation, but if reasonable I would still love to see a little cheat sheet on your 2.5D blender animation technique. Even if it is "not worth the effort" you spend all this time coming up with interesting new approaches to things and it would be great if others could play around with these now-discarded techniques you have concocted to see if they can get something else out of them. I am not asking for an in-depth youtube doccumentation vid, or a giant power-point-or-equivalent slide presentation, but like a little cheat sheet so we could follow and play around with your technique-inventions would be neat.


Well I would like to put all that effort to some use. I spent a fair bit of time writing scripts, to load and subdivide the images along details for nice animation etc. If you ping me on discord I could pass those along. (No idea if they still work, it's been 5 years). Tho I found blender limited for this; like if you want really complex animation effects using nodes, sometimes you have to render an intermediate step as frames, then load it back in as an animated texture. And nodes are *stupid* slow compared to say material blueprints or shader code, we're talking like 30 seconds per frame sometimes, after the main render. This all factored in to me ditching and just going full force on 3D and shader work. But yeah if you want the stuff, ping me.

Val Salia

Honestly the Juju story is just greeeeeat, and I'm enjoying seeing it come along! You're really hitting a ton of different parts of the TF concept well. In my experience though, extended sequences tend to get most of their likes on the first couple pages, and then again on the final page. It's just due to the format, really! One-off pictures and pages tend to get more likes than sequences, just because they provide a big, easy single piece of content to press the Like button for. So definitely don't interpret this as a sign that people aren't enjoying a comic or sequence after the first few pages! : D


...oh you thought I was talking about likes for bad juju, I just meant the nude alts that I post to discord lol. I wasn't sure they were worth the extra time anymore. (The latest nude alt got 35 likes though so I'll keep making them). That being said, bad juju overall has been kinda risky and iffy. Normally I go for short and punchy TFs myself, long stuff has the threat of getting old and losing its hotness. But the people who speak up still seem very enthusiastic, so I plan to keep up with bad juju. And you're certainly the expert on long running kink, so I'm glad to hear people are still into yours =P

Val Salia

Haha, yeahhhh; as for things like alts, I, and most people I know, enjoy them- but we tend to put our likes and comments on the "main" work, and enjoy the alts on our own, sorta! Same thing with all my work; whenever there's alts, the alts barely get any comments/likes, even though people often tell me they're glad I posted 'em. I could always be wrong, but there's a lot of evidence that points to this phenomenon just being a natural part of the alts/extras format, ya know? Even though the alts will be enjoyed and appreciated, it'll always be the "main attractions" that get most of the *formal* attention. If only because those tend to be widely available, and people prefer putting their comments and likes and such into something that the most other people are going to see. There's just a buncha factors that all kinda make this the case, in my experience!


Sure, I just thought I'd check, since they add an hour or two sometimes. The likes came in so the alts shall continue


As others have said, don't worry too much about likes, most patrons don't really bother with that. You get maybe 40 out of 1500 patrons? That really isn't a good judge of how many people are interested. It's more clear that people just don't bother with likes and comments (this isn't facebook). Just do what you want to do man.