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hello. :3

take these animations. :3

Tiara got both her and Scootaloo landed in detention, but then they got left alone in there? So Scoots decided to take out her frustration...

ScootsFucksTiara Mp4
ScootsFucksTiara WebM

A commissioned sequel to this commission, Pinkie comes over and helps her pent up friend out! Very considerate of her. :3

PinkieHelpsVinyl Mp4
PinkieHelpsVinyl WebM

And then one more commission (i love when people commission ScrewDash stuff from me :3), Dash fucks Screw's throat REAL fast and deep while grabbing her horn, then she pulls out so you can TRULY admire how far down her throat Screw had it. :3

ScrewDashThroatFuck Mp4
ScrewDashThroatFuck WebM

I hope you are having a wonderful time as we start to head into fall. I already miss summer. ;v;

<3 ya'll!

Do NOT share these anywhere outside of Patreon.
Note: Links are supposed to expire after roughly two months of being uploaded to Patreon (or once they're posted publicly). The Patreon timeline is not meant to act as an archive of everything I've made, it is meant to grant early access. If you'd like access to a big dropbox archive of everything I've ever made, consider upgrading to diamond.



The Scootaloo one is 🔥🔥🔥


DT 100% passed the teacher a sack of bits to take an extended coffee break after getting Scootaloo good and riled up.