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Some of you may have noticed I've put a new goal on my page! I just thought I'd explain it in a bit more detail here for those of you who are interested!

Basically, with the laptop I currently work on, it doesn't render out animations very fast. I usually have to totally stop working while it renders out for anywhere from 10 hours to a few days! As you can imagine, this means I can't work on anything else during these long stretches.

However, if I can upgrade to a new computer, I can not only cut down those render times significantly, but I can also continue to work on new animations on my laptop while the computer is rendering stuff out!

This will increase my productivity a lot and I'd hope that I'd be able to bring more animations every month! Including longer ones with sound and such! As honestly, when I've waited on an animation exporting for 20 hours, all I really wanna do is edit it and send it out, adding sound is annoying! But if it's only rendering for 10 hours, then I wouldn't mind spending another couple of hours putting sound on it!

Basically, this will help me make both higher quality animations overall, with sound more often, as well as just make more animations a month!

The computer will basically ONLY be used for SFM work and rendering for you guys, I'd carry on using my laptop for my personal computer stuff, so you know I'd be getting this JUST to get your guys more stuff!

I hope that helps persuade you to maybe up your pledge, but no matter what you are pledging, just know that I super duper appreciate your support and I <3 you all! :D



Lol just when I was considering dropping to the $10 tier your goals keep my pledge strong. Keep the money flowing for the top mlp animator!


No problem! I hope you reach that new goal :)