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After some thought and consideration I've decided to make some additional somewhat experimental tiers, specifically what I call my commission tiers. I'm hoping that these two tiers will take a lot of the guess work out of receiving and taking commissions, the process of commissions tends to be burdensome for me and while the overwhelming majority of my clients have been wonderful to work with; I often have to deal with people who are fickle or eager to get a deal. 

The simple reality is that my time is very limited and I get the most joy out of drawing my own characters. So I'm taking a simple approach, a flat rate for a single type of commission and the commission must contain one of my characters. Every week I get flooded with an impossible amount of requests for commissions, if I took them all I would never have time to create the things I love, or even a lot of the things you all subscribe for. I've set the prices to be in accordance with what I see from the demand and my limited time, to me I view these tiers as a middle ground between wanting to serve my fans while also protecting my sanity and time. So I've set hard limit of one of each to avoid confusion and question of when things will be completed. 

So I present: Animation Tier $1000

You get one animated loop per month (with sound and shading) meeting some criteria:

  • The animation must involve at least one of my characters in a meaningful way with a max of three characters
  • No illegal content and nothing on my blacklist (Inquire for details)
  • I if you don't choose an animation during the month your animation reward is forfeit for that month, no exceptions.
  • Animations will have a one week period behind the paywall prior to public release
  • I reserve the right to cancel a project at any time and issue a refund for the pledged amount.
  • These rules may change from month to month
  • The  animation will be complete in the same month, if for whatever reason it  is left incomplete, future payments will be paused until its  completion.

Similarly: Illustration Tier $500

You get one fully rendered illustration per month, meeting some criteria:

  • The illustration must involve at least one of my characters in a meaningful way with a max of three characters
  • No illegal content and nothing on my blacklist (Inquire for details)
  • I if you don't choose an Illustration during the month your illustration reward is forfeit for that month, no exceptions.
  • I reserve the right to cancel a project at any time and issue a refund for the pledged amount.
  • These rules may change from month to month
  • The  illustration will be complete in the same month, if for whatever reason  it is left incomplete, future payments will be paused until its  completion.

I do think there is a substantial benefit to the animation tier as a full length animation could be created in the span of a few months, with only a minor fee for video editing.


Escaped Dreamer

Was going through the Mega link floder and was looking for the character sheets. You have a lot of characters I kinda lost track of some.


https://www.aromaticcreations.club/home-additonal-info/my-characters My site has them more laid out , it doesn't include all my characters but does have my main.