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Lighting has not been worked on yet (animation not finished)



본선 구

데스코어 오브 크리고와 헤일로 영상에서도 로켓런처를 쏘는 장면이 있었지만 그때는 SFM의 기술적 한계로 연출이 다소 밋밋할 수밖에 없었죠. 그런데 지금은 모든 면에서 확연히 개선된 것이 보이네요. 훌륭합니다. 그리고 기술력은 우월하지만 머릿수가 부족하고 탄약 보충도 잘 안 되는 BOS와 기술력은 부족해도 병력과 물자가 풍부한 NCR의 대비가 인상적이네요. 폴아웃을 전혀 모르는 사람도 두 세력의 상황을 바로 이해할 수 있을 것 같아요


Seems like the turning point is here, with a Paladin finally falling 11WIPs in, especially after a direct hit. The guys armor is in relatively one piece, but he’s probably not on the inside. And there’s at least 3 of three of those Sappers/Demolitions with plenty of missiles… Yet again another example on how well you’ve been doing the push/pull tactics with the NCR-BoS. With the frontlines overextended, the defense is forced to bring out what seems like some of their Paladin reserves (these look like different guys, none of them had laser pistols earlier), reserves that they do not have much of in the first place, nor can replace in the short-long term. But they aren’t aware that the NCR troopers have the means to punch through them, and now this could lead to more paladin losses than originally desired now that they’ve been drawn out. I wonder where the sentry bots will come in, whether now that the front is taking too much fire, or indoors, leading to the deployment of the Veteran Rangers. Awesome work, man.