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This is the final commission.

A bit of a story with this piece...

Pyrocynical was very pleased with the earlier commission I did for him, so he asked me if I was ever interested in designing a robot sona for him down the line.

This took place a bit before paypal changed it's guidelines here. I knew that I wouldn't be able to do any more commissions after that had taken place, so I said yes under the condition that I'd be able to take as long as I need.

I don't have any prices for character design work either but we agreed on a reasonable price.

I left this till last since there was a lot of back and forth with design notes and me prioritizing the other pieces first since they were easier to do.

Ultimately I managed to get this done and I am now free.



Username TakenB

Sucks he got outed the way he did but like seeing someone on his level not be ashamed of this kink

Wang Lang

This is one hell of an incredible design! I'd say taking time to work and polish on it paid in dividends. Can't tell if I'd be delighted or cautious meeting a robot such as her! Pyro, as always, expresses prime taste haha XD