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Hello, sponsors

I recently made a decision through consultations with psychological experts and acquaintances around me.

They told me that what I need now is a break, and I need time to recharge.

So I'm planning to take a break for a month in February.

I'm planning to get back what I've missed so far during the month of February.

I'm planning to play a game that I wanted to play or travel to a nearby place.

During February, my Patreon will be temporarily suspended from claiming donations, and it will be operating normally from March.

Thank you to everyone who believes in me and waits for my work, and I ask for your understanding of my choice.




I'm really really happy that you're doing this! Getting help from professionals can work wonders for mental health. And no matter the type of work you do, breaks can be a life saver. I hope you have a wonderful time gaming, traveling or just relaxing! 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Agijon Réquiem

Esta bien que te tomes un descanso mucha suerte y cuidate mucho Cervina ✨