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Hey guys, I'm starting to feel pretty overwhelmed with social media. It all just feels like a necessary evil that I probably shouldn't avoid anymore. I used to love twitter a lot but lately it just sucks.  Facebook is an absolute mess of ads, and it's notorious for not showing posts to followers unless I pay for them. Instagram feels like it's trying to keep up with tiktok and twitter (especially with its new "Threads" thing). Tiktok does not feel like the place for an artist releasing 47minute long songs. Youtube still feels ok to me??
Discord is cool, but is that social media really?
I'm also embarrassed to admit that I'm quite prone to getting demotivated when I see posts from other artists getting heaps of likes and interactions. I know it's petty but I'm only human lol. These past few months I've deleted social media from my phone and just tried to get on with it. However, I also realize that these platforms are pretty much free "advertising" platforms. I'm in a quandary with all of it.

Anyway, I've set up a poll here, could you just let me (anonymously) know which of these platforms you use the most? Maybe I'll stick to whichever one wins and forget the other ones?
Alternatively, is there some sort of "master" app I can use to post to everything? Again, in the past, I've read that these services restrict visibility of the posts etc.


I just want to write music man. Please tell me what I should do.

Conceiving, writing lyrics and music, recording, mixing and mastering 4 songs per month is a HUGE undertaking and I'd honestly rather just not worry about any of it, however the EPs are going to start going public next month so I need to add "creating content" to this already big list.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Please, put your thoughts and comments in as a reply to this post, hopefully we can work together to come up with some sort of manageable solution! ❤️

POLL: Which of these social media platforms do you spend the most time on?



I've heard that YouTube tends to promote shorts more than long form content now and similarly Instagram wants stories instead of posts. The upside is those are short form and can be lower effort things, but the downside is they're on a daily cycle so you need to do more of them. So, figuring out something that's easy and repeatable is the key. The ones I see from other musicians I know tend to be a mix of live song snippets and occasional variety things as the mood strikes them (e.g. demo of a harsh vocal technique they were working on or challenge themselves to see how long they can sustain a scream).


Honestly, to connect with people it'd be Facebook. I understand in not being able to see some bands posts. But yet, I find myself just visiting a bands page and seeing their recent posts there. But that's just me....I would say that Patreon has been the best platform so far in connecting with your fans, even if I have to pay for a subscription, having that $1 option does help in just being able to see posts.