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 Well, it looks like I won't be able to get on a proper stage for quite some time, so I've decided to do an album launch stream to fill the void. In the past I've done streams just with acoustic guitar and vocal, but this time I'm going to play electric guitar along to pre-recorded backingtracks.
I'll be playing the set twice; once at 11pm AEST, and again at 3am (which will roughly be 7pm in Europe, at around lunchtime in the USA, depending on which timezone you're in). I'll probably stream myself playing some old Sega Mega Drive games or something in between. Maybe some Skyrim...
I'll also be crossing over to General Master Salty Saltmarsh's den who'll be doing some most excellent drawing during the stream.
It'll be a "pay-whatever-you-want-if-anything-at-all" event. Like many other things, the live music industry has taken a MASSIVE blow so if you're in a stable situation and you have some spare coin, it would muchly help the Toehider cogs spinning.
Here's the link to the stream, which will become active on the 5th. (Note, the 5th of September could very well be the 4th in your timezone. I'm from a country that exists in the future - Australia.)


And here's the bandcamp link if you want to get "tickets" -


Come hang out in the comments and have an "I Like It" time with Toehider. 



I plan to get "tickets", but I'm also not sure if I can attend live. Will it be accessible after the fact?


Hi! I can join at 3 am (my 8 pm) for the second session. So cool!! :) Thank you for doing such a late time, I usually can't attend earlier in the afternoon.