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Hello, everyone! I'm currently working on a commission that requires a bit more time and energy from me. I don't want to rush it, so I hope you enjoy this little piece in the meantime. Thank you for your continued support, and a warm welcome to any new patrons! Rewards for last month have already been sent out, and you can retrieve them from Discord if you missed any. I'll be sending an updated version at the end of the month to all active patrons from this month.

Here are the goals for this month! Please vote for your favorite content. All of the following will have their chance and progress; this just helps me know what you're enjoying the most currently: Multiple choice allowed!

  • Commissions
  • Mistress Encounter
  • Ahsoka: Coruscant Night Life
  • Noble Service (This received a lot of votes from Patrons)
  • Fallout

Also, check out the "Comic Girls Battle Royale" on Twitter - https://twitter.com/GigCherry/status/1719050181725823044. I'll most likely do something with both of them, with the faceless male always winning!


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