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Looks like the Honeypot will be having some healthy competition! 

On the next Honeypot - Noble Service, the Rival tavern Owner/Boss will be fully introduced with her top "service" girl.

hope you enjoy! ^^

P.S the font is legible in english~ but its meant to be hard to read.




What is she saying? Is all of that English? With that font all I can make out is "I'm ready to be seen by these"


And then something like "That Drow's Honeypot will be done!"


That is some really rough font to read... "I'm ready to be used by these Foreigners Madam." "Good Darlixi. This city and that Drow's Honeypot will be mine!" Not sure about the name Darlixi, the fact its all in caps isn't helping so it might say: "Good Darlixi, this city..."


99% correct, it's on purpose I will most likely increase the size perhaps... but its suppose be more visual, they are talking in a different language and decoding it is for people more invested besides the lewd which I think people enjoy ^^


Oooooooo is that the same design on her sternum as Sinafays black lotus panties?👀