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hey everyone! after the recent piece I've been mostly planning & sketching/roughing potential art pieces! Vote on your favorite so far!

A personal piece this is the next main Variety piece I have in mind! I planned it as a Halloween-themed piece and it still might be but It's kind of evolving to a Honeypot/Mistress-themed piece. 

I feel if I do a Chel piece it has to focus on her back/booty and express her long flowing hair oh and that sassy look she gives ;)

We haven't had something with Larissa in a bit! so this Sexy stand-alone might get finished as a filler piece between my commission work! 

potential starwars piece! just a rough not sure if it will reach finalization.

Hope you enjoy the dneak peaks ill be doing my best to get something finalized just got to hit that art groove.


Ninja Tweak

Not gonna lie I feel like 4 has the most impressive pose regardless of what characters are inserted there. Ahsoka specifically doesn't really do anything for me and whenever I see star wars aliens I don't normally have a clue whether they're someone specific or not.


Oh my lord Ahsoka, so many tongues so few holes😍🤯😍

Ben Rowe

These all have potential but Chel and Larissa are my faves


Gotta go with Chel for the nostalgia, but the Mistress piece also looks great, especially the gangbang version.