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I have a discord now! join in! ^^ feel free to chat, ask me any questions i will usually chill and will post any new art/sketches.

let me know any issues like if you can't see any art in the patron only channels.

It will be a good place to do our ResidentEvil DND! tomorrow ill be adding up the votes and will make a new channel in the discord for the comic so everyone can comment, discuss, make requests/feedback.

If you guys want the girls to run into Tofu! let me know and we will work it in XD

BEST happy ending!


Patreon is still processing pledges~ looks like they are having issues =/

For people that want to join! You just need to link your discord to patreon and it will auto send you an invite! let me know if any issues ill help out! =) 



That's awesome news! I'll definitely join the Discord, I look forward to all its benefits and potential discussions! :D Tofu would certainly be a happy and messy ending for the girls! xD Sorry to hear about Patreon, hopefully they'll have the issue sorted soon!