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Just got back home, intense nighttime fog... I don't recall ever going through such a dense one as i was traveling.

In those situations you can't help but think.... I really, really hope this is not a Silent Hill Fog! XD

Anyway I noticed all pledges have been processed and i had to do a quick post/sketch!

I understand that the Holidays can be hectic so i was surprised to see so many were able to stay! i'm grateful!

I want to give special thanks! to 

Tweak - One of my longest Patrons always going beyond my expectations with his support and patience!

Renown55 - Fellow Widowmaker fan for a Custom Early Christmas Pledge! ^^

Perhaps my OC Cherry will provide some service for you two ;)


As soon as I can ill have the monthly Poll up for people to vote! I'm currently working on a book cover illustration i need to finish within this month.

Book Cover Preview. (Rough sketch)

So any posts from me might be mostly sketches until i'm ready to hit the more heavy content.

Take care!




*Pyramid Head silently stands behind Cherry-Gig* xD Glad to hear that most decided to stay with their pledges despite it being near the holidays! =) The book cover looks awesome and definitely seems interesting! I can only imagine how great it will look with colors! =D In any case whether it be sketches or heavy content I look forward to each update!