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Commission for a Patron! 

 I hope Mass Effect gets another chance in the future ;_; or they remake the original trilogy 


Off-Site Link: http://cherrygig.online/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Simon_Taliresize.jpg 

Members Gallery: http://cherrygig.online/members-only/patrons-only/art-gallery 

November 2018 account// Username: Nov2018 Pass: 5190 




Holding out for Mass Effect, and all the lovely Quarian waifus to be had!


Oh it'll get another chance once Anthem and Dragon Age 4 come out, though I doubt they'll remake the original trilogy given ME3 ending. In any case you did an amazing job on Tali! Really loving the pose and I definitely prefer her face being hidden behind the mask, it adds mystery and sex appeal to her character imo. Very hot buttjob and excellent colors! :D


i love dragonage! dragon age 2 was my fav XD even tho a lot of people didn't like it. It gave us Isabela! <3


My favorite waifus in the ME series. :3 With a butt to rival Miranda's ass.

Ninja Tweak

If BioWare falls completely, which seems likely to me IMO, I'd not trust EA to do anything worthy of the brand. But I, too, have had many a delusion of what I would do if I had the rights to it. I also had the delusion that I would build a Normandy SR-2 (with docked shuttle) to minifig scale, spent over 1,000 on pieces and even had some custom minifigs made. Not sure which project is more realistic.


It really depends on how Anthem does, I don't trust EA but they got the money to keep BioWare up.