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Need a break from the cover illustration @_@ it's burning me out a bit so i need to change my focus, I've been doing a lot of commissions and felt i needed to do something personal.

I'm looking forward to the new Streets of Rage 4! Beat em ups and Genesis have a place in my heart!

I originally planned this as just a pin-up... but I was entertained with the Rookie and Captain dialogue...

also this checks off a few kinks people like. XD

I might do Part 2~ depends how the feedback is from Patrons/Public and if i got time and the groove for it.


I have to get back into BDSMMAKER for September, it's been sometime and I don't plan to far ahead with my work as i like to be flexible and respond to readers.

It seems like people want Mercy to be part of the action... but i only planned to have her be a scenic thing. XD

Right now i'm trying to find the right way to transition things and get into the action faster as the past 5 pages has mostly been build up.

I plan to rough out 4-5 pages and share those with 5$+patrons.


I might get a website for my comics sometime in the near future so there is a better Hub for readers as Patreon doesn't support such things.... one of many issues i have with this platform.

very bare bone which is both a positive as it is negative...

Take care.




I briefly played on a Sega Genesis but my first true console was the N64! Anyway you did an awesome job on the character here, she has a sexy figure and expression, not to mention a great pose with the bondage! :D The dialogue is entertaining with her being coy and tempting while the Captain is perverted and the Rookie is exasperated at the situation xD I personally wouldn't mind seeing more of this, assuming you want to continue with it :) As someone who is new to working on comics, I can definitely understand your situation lol. It's a lot of work to plan ahead for the scenes and story, having the right amount of build up that transitions to the action. Thankfully my comic is mostly action/kink themed so the plot is simple lol. I look forward to your next update for BDSMMAKER and whatever you plan for Mercy, in any case it'll be awesome and entertaining! :) A simple website sounds good and you can always upgrade it later if you want, given you only just want to upload your comics :)


Great console to have as your first! My was the Nintendo but the first i ever played was the Sega Master System. It's good to keep comics simple, I think it's best but everyone is different.


Personally, I want to see Mercy, but if she ends up being just a prop in the background, I'd rather just wait until she can be incorporated into the story properly. Mostly because there's a high chance that this makes it feel like she was just squeezed in there for the sake of having her. Which is not to say that it's wrong, but it just doesn't contribute much to the story. That's just me though


I dont want BDSMMAKER to be to long so i might just keep this as a D.VA encounter and we will do something with Mercy in the future.