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"Shy Bernadetta develops an unusual crest, the Crest of the Stud, which gives her a big dick. Mysteriously nobody seems to care, and after an  erection in class they seem to be open to helping her keep it down. As the urge to breed strengthens inside Bernadetta, even the men begin to  change, and Bernadetta can't resist her crushes."

Alright everyone! New year, new fic! Been working on this one the entirety of December, so I hope you enjoy it! Sorry about the lack of full fledged fics last month. As you probably realized, I was pretty busy working on prompts. I can't promise I'll be able to do much better this month, but I duly hope that I'll be able to write even more than I could last year and give you all the fics you enjoy! Thanks a ton for your continued support, I hope you enjoyed this one and cheers!


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