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There you go!
Hope you like :)




Are you doing an animation of the other one? Or the comic that you initially talked about?


Neither I'm afraid- I've made the other one before I bought the software to animate, so the psd is gone and it's all a flat layer, and I need to think about which layers to have in advance in order to animate...which means I would have to backtrack and cut out every little thing in Kim's comic too, and that takes just more time....which isn't really an option given how long this comic is taking me, I need it out of the way asap


Hey on your patreon you made an zaf'el tickle thing... but i cant find it on tumblr... can you maybe put it here?


Hey man :) I can't put it here, it's old and ugly. It's on my main blog, polarbearnsfw.blogspot.com Look in the tab called "old work"


I will😊