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The whole point of having a 10$ pledge is (mostly) so that people choose what will be in future packs.

Originally, the idea was to publish the comic in two issues, two months in a row, which is kinda weird 'cause you'd end up paying 6$ for half a comic that comes out fully only a month after for another 6$...

If that is the case, for 2 months people won't be able to choose what's in those packs, not to mention that my packs are generally mixed in content to make everyone (and me) happy, and having 2 packs in a row just about Kim Possible just isn't right for those that expect other things too.

I've decided to work on the Kim Possible comic on the side, and make it available for the public (outside Patreon too).

I hope you understand and if you don't that's ok too

Have a nice day folks



okie doke :)