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 I didn't think it would be possible, and when I punched the details in, I though EH it's never going to get there anyway. Well, we're 75% there.  

I think it's only fair the community chooses what those 12 pages should be about.  
Bear with me, we're 71 people, and I can't have all of you express your very own opinion, 'cause I'm gonna end up with 71 different things people are interested in, and if I were to choose among those, maybe only 3-4 people would be excited about the comic, so, let's do it like we did it last time, with some changes to the topics.



Maybe the naruto girls tickle torturing naruto or sasuke


Oh damn Star Wars? Didn't expect it to take the lead but I'm all for it.


Rey or Sabibe Wren tickle tortured, now that is hot.


Looks like Kim Possible took over.