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Bear with me, this one will actually be short.
I'm changing the settings from "payed per creation" to "payed monthly".
I've never posed payable content more than once a month anyway, this should make things easier for everyone.
The only reason it's been "per creation" so far, is that it's easier for me to not post something when I don't have anything to post...now if I don't have enough content, I'll have to "freeze" this page for a month.

I want to address the problem of not having any actual content on Patreon: I will start posting it now. It's easier for people to get it, and it's also much easier for everyone so I don't get emails from people and get shady PayPal transactions for older packs.

So, yeah. Shouldn't change much on your side, if anything it gets better, 'cause basically one pledge gives you all the previous pledges too...but that's just how this platform works I guess.

I have just added the actual content of the packs to the payed posts for the June, July, August, and September packs.



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