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It's already the second month of 2024, but what, dear readers, do I have in store... for you... Goddammit. Writing in rhyme is hard.

Now, onto the news of February:


Perky, Pink & Perfect will be taking over the Monday slot for a while, and you'll be seeing a lot of Greg/Zelda throughout. This will be wrapping up the current PPP Saga, and I can't wait for you to see what Alyssa, Zelda, and Nate have in store for Tom! I don't want to give too much away, but I will say that you'll finally be seeing the male version of Perky, Pink & Perfect called Dashing, Dark & Debonair!


Big news here too! Infinity-G: Issue #2 will be concluding soon, and at that time, it will be moving over to the very talented Teysia for a few issues before, you guessed it, another TG creator will take the reins. I've been wanting to make a "pass along" comic for years, and this seems like the perfect opportunity to explore what other creators will do with Laney, Olivia, and the Horde. If you want to read newer issues, I'd definitely recommend checking out their Patreon, but if not, the comics will always be made available on TG Comics for free shortly after.

With Infinity-G wrapped up, we'll be checking in on the contestants of Virgin Island to see how they are doing. This is obviously a comic about video game nerds, and this month, you'll get to see a winning woman from a game come to life as the prize for the winner! You can head over to the second poll to see who's gonna win, and then you'll have an idea of which lovely lady will be coming soon... *chuckle*


Five Valentines will come to a close a few days after Valentine's Day, and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. I added a subtitle to the TG Comics release, and I think it sums the comic up nicely: A Silly, Sentimental Sex Story. Oh, and the final female model is a real winner, so look forward to that!

After that, we'll be getting the next "Premium" comic on Fridays, and that comic will be Imagine Mary! This comic tells the story of CJ, who is visiting home from college and finds out his old friend made a wish that will turn his life upside down. You may think that having your old imaginary friend come to life would be a treat, but CJ's imaginary friend served a very particular purpose that revolved around the cute girl next door CJ's always admired from afar...


That's all I have for you this month, but rest assured, more news is coming! I'm working on a campaign refresh that I'll be talking about soon, and I can tell you now that the name TGTrinity is not long for this world... ;)

Be Well!

Tyler :)



Bruce W. Liu

"the name TGTrinity is not long for this world" 0_O What you talking bout' Willis? 😆

Skippy Hugo

Next, a futa version of PPP. But rebounding sounds ominous... as long as it's not a "twitter is now called x" one.