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Alyssa does her best to help raise Zelda's spirits in the face of more bad news...



Bruce W. Liu

Hey, they’re back! Glad to see they are still happily together.

Faye Fatale

For some reason I thought the PPP pills were permanent. That would suck having to go back and forth like that. And I TOTALLY relate to what Zelda is feeling. I'm trans and live in Florida. Every day it gets worse.

Star Journeyfriend

Are Annie, Will, and John gonna be in this one? As the 3 other people who took 2 pills, I imagine they're the reason why Alyssa and Zelda understand the consequences of multi-pill consumption ;) V excited to see what plot you're cooking up 👀


I tried to find a way to work them in, but really wanted this to be a showpiece for Zelda so they’re not in the plans for now.

