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Thank you to everyone who tested and took screenshots of this outfit. ♥ It means a lot!

The dye color used in the main preview images are iris purple.

✿· · · ── Download here

❧ This mod requires Bibo+ 2.0, as it uses _bibo for the skin slot.
❧ Replaces the Thavnairian bolero, sarouel, gloves and barbouches for tall females -only-.
❧ The top is fitted and weighted to around Bibo+ medium breasts, and the skirt was fitted and weighted to Bibo+ large ass/legs. I did, however, pull the skirt out slightly!
❧ I apologize for any clipping, but I did my best to resolve as much as I could through vigorous testing! Please understand that some clipping is unavoidable and expected when using extreme poses, animations and/or scaling.
❧ This outfit is dyable! The gold jewelry and the threading, however, does not dye.
❧ You are allowed to edit this as you see fit for personal, private use. ♥

Now public!




for some reason this doesn't have the textures for me- not sure why! it's such a lovely mod!


Make sure you're using the Thavnairian bolero, sarouel, gloves, etc! There's a crafting version of this set that I did include the textures for so there's no issues, but sometimes it gets weird and doesn't read them properly in penumbra I've noticed!