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Hey guys! So, I'm sure you've seen this around...

Gifs might not load on mobile (Patreon bug, check Discord Channel W.I.P to see it if it bugs for you)

I've posted those on Discord first (Make sure to check the WIP channel),and later on twitter which got a pretty good response! It made me so happy that people noticed the animation improvements I made! Definetely worth the time I took to focus and refine my technique!

But although I'm glad I did it, obviously it slowed my work output down significantly, which I'm not happy about. My original plan was to publish this animation at maximum by the end of this month, but I'm not even close to the point of releasing anything, that plus the fact that this will be voiceacted means it will still take some weeks before it releases.

(Btw, the voice actors will be @VoiceSlutVA for Cassidy/MCcree and @MrFoxHound for Hanzo).

Again, I'm sorry this is taking long, but I promise will be worth it! Thank you guys for being so patient and still supporting me! Even if I can't release it for this month, I'm glad I can share the process with you here! Now to some more WIP's!

  • Firstly, just wanted to show how natural the characters talk!

  • Now to the goods, details, details, details! Look that foreskin pull!

  • Theres some nice angles/views too!

  • Details + look how good this looks! (I'm so proud of this shot)

  • More Angles!

  • **Blowjob Intensifies**

  • Details and Reacts!

Okay, I think I bombarded you with WIP's enough for one post! I will be sharing more soon!

Again, I'm sorry for no animations released this month. You know I don't  just do small loops (sometimes for bonus anims) so this takes time, and I know you guys understand it and Im really thankful for you!
More soon!
Saigon! ♥




I cannot get over the insane quality of these! every single preview shows off such crazy intricate detail you can immerse yourself into. and I thought I was losing it at the tongue action in the last kissing previews… this takes it to a whole different level, Hanzo’s tongue might make me pass out before Cassidy 🥴 really incredible work Saigon! ❤️


Thank you! Comments like this makes every detail I put on these worth it 💛