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Hey guys! Today Im continuing the last UPDATE post in which I discuss what has been happening behind the scenes and my plans for the future.

I understand not everyone are interested in these so feel free to skip it completely if you're here just for the content! ☺ 

- Fluid Simulation Testing -

Firstly, I would like to talk about fluids on my animations. This has forever been a big problem not just for me but for all animators in general as these type of simulations takes forever to calculate, which makes every single change takes up to hours to compute. Due to my bad pc in the past, I've since completely abandoned fluid simulations on my animations.
Instead, which the current updates on Blender, I was able to fake it to the last animations, giving me results which I liked a lot tbh! Still, it isnt on pair with real fluid simulations and since my last upgrades greatly increased my pc power, Im finaly able to come back and start testing/implementing it again on my animations.
Since its the end of the year and Im having a lot of family around me all the time and I have to work on this for hours, I had to ''change'' some parameters and make it ketchup on a hotdog instead of our beloved men's white fluid. Obviously this is just for testing. Im making good progress and Im pretty confident in saying that it will probably be implemented on my next big animation!

- Roadmap Execution and future plans -

I dont know if you guys remember it, but this is a roadmap I posted back in July. In this, I had plans on upgrading a lot the experience for you guys on patreon, twitter and discord.
While I worked on it, it didnt follow the schedule I first anticipated, mainly on the feedback part. I just wanted to let you know that i didnt abandon my plans and Im working on finishing every single one of them.
For the discord, I did work a lot on it (which is currently public, just very hidden on my page so I dont get a huge wave of users at once since I'm not prepared to deal with this influx and the bots that come with it. I've also added new moderators, updated bot rules, created new channels, roles etc.
For the patreon, Ive since organized my worklist/models better so its easier to find everything, changed content output from monthly to per year so its lets folders for you to open stuff. I've also gathered some information, and I am currently writing new descriptions for everything for a future revamp of the whole page.
For twitter, I've reverted my description to my linktree page (was my official website which unfortunately I can't figure out how to use it on my own and will re-open it in the future with the support of some friends). Other than that, theres not much I can do on twitter until I finish the work on the two last topics, since they will directly influence the links and stuff I offer on twitter itself.

For the future, Im working hard on rebranding the whole thing, the name will be the same, but I want to update every single thing on this page, from images to tiers, prices and content formats. I'm making commissions, gathering feedback from other creators and will keep creating polls to know your guys opinions on it! I will talk about this in a lot more detail in a future post as I think this is a very important topic and deserve its own post to be debatable! I wont change anything without letting you guys know previously!

- Whats for the long term - 

I dont often talk much about this subject here, and have only told a few patrons, but I've also been working on something behind the scenes. I don't want to make promises or anything, but I felt like opening more about this would make me feel more motivated on working on it since I've been losing interest over the years.
I am working on a game! Its still in incredibly early stages so thats why I never talked about it before.
For a bit of context, I'm actually a Uni-Graduated English, Portuguese and French teacher! And as you can imagine, literature has been a big part of my life and study journey. What this means is I am very into telling stories, as you can notice in most of my animations, it isnt just porn action, but have a bit of context to it. I would love to bring very long animations with story rich content, but being a team of 1, and considering how long it takes to actually animate and render each scene, I soon realized it was impossible for me to express myself only in that way. 

For this, the solution I found is the creation of games! More specificaly visual novels and interactive games. Im also a huge fan of the Life is Strange series, Beyond Two Souls, Detroit Become Human etc. While this type of games is far beyond what I can produce alone, I found that a Visual Novel would be simplier to make, and its what I am currently working towards. This project has a lot of story to it, started as a 3rd person 3D game! Which I had pre alpha footage already recorded to share but got completely scrapped. This is another topic I would like to dedicate its own post on the future, so I will share more soon!

- Health and life update -

I dont have much to talk on this topic, if I am being honest nothing has really changed since I talked about this subject here. Im still having a lot of belly problems, but I would like to say I am fine, for real! Also thanks to everyone who has been sending me messages and are worried for me. It got to a point where I can ''live with it''. Next year I will probably go after a new doctor and hopefuly get completely recovered from all of this!
Thanks to all of you who read part or all of this! I appreciate the interest on my work and personal life!

I will go back to audio editing for the next animation release which I mentioned on last post, and hopefuly will finish it by tomorrow!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
hugs, Saigon ☺ 



Thank you so much for keeping us posted. I'm sorry that you've had such a rough year with your medical ailments and all. Here's to a 2023 that is miles better than the year that came before it! 🫂 🥂