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Hey guys! A Bit late but here the poster set of this month! Baptiste has been working out a lot for Overwatch 2 (;

Ive also done a collab with @DriftAllaDeriva again! You can download below the 2d animation of his Raz(Fortnite) drawing!
Hope you guys enjoy!

Poster Download:   Google Drive  /  MEGA

2d Animation:            
Google Drive  /  MEGA

@MrShadow on twitter.

Please note that these links only work for the month theyre posted on! After that, you should be able to access them through your month's "LINKS'' post! If you cant find it please send me a message! ♥

(Do not leak my stuff, if you post something give credits both on the image/video and description, otherwise I will have to start adding watermarks on all my works)




OOOOO, there's Baptiste, my main crush (besides Hanzo--and Cassidy--and Reinhardt--and Reaper--and Soldier--and Lucio--they're all my main crushes, but Baptiste, too!!!)! It's so nice to see him getting the attention he deserves!