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Hey guys! Heres the first posters Im doing as a way to thank the patrons who have been supporting me for over one year! I will keep doing those in my "free time" and will publish them as they come out! I hope you all like them!
4K Download: Google Drive / Mega
If youre supporting me for a long time, make sure to check your inbox where I sent you all the details about it, if you didnt receive my message but still have been supporting me for long enough, please send me a DM!

Please note that these links only work for the month theyre posted on! After that, you should be able to access them through your month's "Link update" post! If you cant find it please send me a message! ♥
(Do not leak my stuff, if you post something give credits both on the image/video and description, otherwise I will have to start adding watermarks on all my works)




I never would have expected a chair theme in these requests! XDDD They both look absolutely fantastic!! Thank you so much for doing these! It's been a real pleasure to support your work!