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Hey guys! As much as I wanted to publish this earlier, I only managed to finish the animation now... Its for sure a big one! I hope its worth the wait!
The animation is now fully avaliable for patrons by early access!
Heres the google drive link: ANIMATION
Watermarked/Public/Credited version will be posted in 1 week!
I hope you all enjoy it!
(Some frames from the animation have been added to the posters folder aswell) Check here: POSTERS 


Pyramid Head x Drift FINAL PATREON RELEASE.mp4



SAIGON... I don't know how to say this without going overboard with praise lmao. So I'll apologize ahead of time :') But seriously, the dream was always imagining there being adult digital gay content out there with quality on par with (or even better than) big budget straight content that's all around you. Like, there's never a shortage of heteronormative content, both SFW & NSFW, coming at you from all directions. Whether it's animated movies, video game stories / characters, porn, or anything in between. So it's hard to explain how legitimately cool it feels taking in / enjoying the content that you've been making. Watching this animation in particular... it's an actual 5-minute, fully-fledged animation, that does WAY more than just fill that gay void. The quality of what you've made here is so high, with the details you show in every angle and perspective, on top of the scene / story you build with it. It's thanks to you that it's no longer just some fun thing to imagine being possible one day, cause you're actually making it happen now. Thank you so much for your work on this. And even though I've typed a billion words, I still feel like it's not enough thanks haha. Cheers, Saigon!


Just...wow... 🥺 Im flattered! Thank you so much for your kind words! 💛 You really made my day!

thomas d bontempo

trying to download and it tells me link Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist.


This video has been reuploaded and can be accessed through the current monthly links post! For now the direct link is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1atoHsH2sKbEfQ-ZGoyaYyxdMcQDx-ipc/view?usp=drivesdk


i still get a file requested does not exist linki


Hey Jeff! Make sure to use your rewards page to access all the older stuff! All links get updated every month! You can access it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/57041879