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Folder Includes both music and no music version!
Hey guys! I just finished the Midas x Drift animation, and I have to say this was the video that gave me the biggest trouble in all my life! From engine bugs to people getting covid(sound editor), everything that could happen to delay it has happened. Well, its over now.

As Im changing some stuff about rewards, this video is presented to you guys as an early access, that means it will take a while to go public. Public version will have credits and everything else as usual.

I apologize again for the delay, as well as the image quality, since the engine created this noise pattern during most of the video. I fixed what I could and Im aware of its flaws, because of that, this animation will be rendered again on eevee in the future. With the engine poll winning for the eevee engine, that error will likely never happen again. I will still render what I can in cycles to keep the quality though, but if I ever notice this images errors happening I will switch to eevee instead. Also, with your support, I will soon be able to update my pc, and with that rise my content quality aswell.
Thanks again!
Saigon! ♥
Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DGnZMCpa77YA8y8qbQO8Icm3kbJT401a?usp=sharing


Animations - Google Drive



not work the link


Please note that these links only work for the month theyre posted on! After that, you should be able to access them through your month's "LINKS'' post! If you cant find it please send me a message! ♥ The post is pinned on my page! Or this is the link for it: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55688109