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Hello everyone

Time for another little update on this Horizon game I have been working on :)

I am slowly catching up to the events I was behind after the last release but there is still a bunch to do. I am done with 2/3 of the main mission followups and a small side mission item so far. I will continue to do at least 2 events a day until the next release most likely as I also have a family vacation looming. 

We will likely get into August just because there is so much "optional" content.  It is only 10+ events pr. main mission this time but it still takes time away from side content. It does add playtime to V0.55, V0.60 and even V0.65 but that does not help me now :)

One more item on the list for today. The title of the release. V0.55 is going to be called "Chance Encounter". If that is not a teaser title I don't know what is.

A nice and short one today. Enjoy the summer.




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