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Hello everyone

I really wanted to have a better update for this monumental number but sometimes things just happen and you have to go with the flow. I knew going into V0.50 that it was going to be a marathon and I was not wrong.

I started out pretty strong with a solid sprint and added the pre-mission events chunk that includes a sidemission. Things slowed a bit when I began work on the 3 new main missions. They are all require a pretty large amount of design and planning on top of the event writing but things move along. That was until we hit the public release of V0.45. It had some issues that needed patching and I got hit but a bad case of allergies at the same time. That was a fun week :)

So that brings me to were we are now. I am behind were I wanted to be and I am still having some design hurdles. Things are getting ironed out every day but I still feel like I am not moving that much closer to a firm release day. 

I am hope that you guys and girls can hang in there while I get back on track. I hope to be able to speed up soon as I get finished with the trickier design issues and just have to write the missing events.

The last lore and hint post this Sunday and after that I will expand more on the feature posts from the last few weeks.

Have a nice May



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