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Hello everyone

Another seven days, another group of hints and lore snippets. 3 old pieces and 1 new item this time. Enjoy.

 Himeros Hidden Hint Hunt - Entry 7 - The common link

 "Every task will require you to bend spacetime to use learned knowledge before you would otherwise be able.”


“Is this really a good idea? I could go to college or I could work with animals like I always wanted. If Frey hadn’t been at the interview, I might not even consider it, but she was really friendly. Celeste scared me, but at least she seemed to know what she was talking about. I guess I will sleep on it.” Zoe’s diary. 2014.

"Just like humanity much of culture has evolved from the deserts and jungles around the equator. There are still many hidden treasures to be found in these places." Avid Archaeology

 Himeros Hidden Hint Hunt – Entry 17 – Input and Output

 “Alpha and Omega are so very far apart but also similar in a certain way. Iota is different.”

That was all for today. Stay safe out there.



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