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Hello everyone

We are moving through these at a rapid pace. Another week has come and gone even as the world seems to be holding its breath.  There are two old and two new piece of lore to tease you towards to puzzle of the hidden ending. 

 Himeros Hidden Hint Hunt - Entry 6 - The first step

 "Haven is your origin and your package is a palindrome. Hotel is your destination and the receiver is hinted at in the first 4 Letters. Your reward is a mystery but once you finish Hotel you will ready for the next task."


"No evidence of mechanical error or outside influence before the car hit the tree. Driver and passenger were not under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. No explanation at this time." Excerpt from police rapport, 2013.


“Himeros is the god of sexual desire or unrequited love. He is shown to carry a bow and arrow. He created desire and passion in mortals. He is often depicted as a young man.” Internet Knowledge Base

 Himeros Hidden Hint Hunt – Entry 15 – The Branching Point

 “You have a number of choices but after a certain point something changes. The branches multiply. The paths diverge. It might be advised to have multiple saves.”

That is all for today. Stay safe out there.



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