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Hello All

The last update of 2019 and a lot has happened in this last year of the decade. 

The first couple of months were focused around the final releases of Haven and the first teases of Horizon. Haven seemed like a big project at the time and in certain ways it still is but Horizon is already well underway to beat it on many counts.

In April we had the Patreon Demo release with the first Chapter release in May. After this we have had a release around every 6 weeks since I changed to the new release system. It has been a lot more productive then it was under the old monthly system where the average event count was 25 pr. month and it is somewhat higher now.

That brings us up to today and I have just finished the first of the two new main missions that will go into V0.40 while also taking a day or two off for the holidays. I did mention in the last update that I plan to throw in a couple of weeks vacation in the time before the next release and I have already spent some of those days.  A couple more will disappear as I celebrate the new year and wake up in the future year of 2020.

I will keep you updated in January about what is to come in the new year. I hope you all have a good one and leave this one safely.



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