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Hello all

After the last two posts talked about the changes to release structure and how the Patrons might deal with this I also wanted to cover how it might change the structure of the game going forward. Hopefully this is going to be positive for the experience overall even if the development might drag out slightly due to the added content.

 Let me start with an important point that I have only teased so far going back to the Horizon teasers before release. The game is big. There is more of everything. More characters. More locations (without having to check everywhere all the time). More of the naughty. 

As we complete what once was called Chapter 2 you will have completed the 3 first main paths. You will have seen a bunch of characters and are starting to learn what is going on in the world. You are starting to build a foundation. With the change to releases my hope is that I will be able to build on that foundation with each release for both Patrons and the public with meaningful content that moves the story forward and is worth playing.

Have a lovely summer. I hope you are able to stay cool.



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