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Hello all

This could have been a design diary, but since it should be public knowledge I am mixing it in the the update.

I got some well worded feedback about the gameplay of the first half of Himeros Haven and it did confirm a fear I had as we moved through the chapters. When playing the standalone chapters the grind might not feel as bad since you have a couple of tasks pr. chapter. When playing everything in one go, it could flow together and seem a bit grindy. 

I have added the first fix to the next release that will help slightly with the work grind and as a by-product help ease player economy in the midgame.

I have manually corrected every shift count variable as follows:

- Tasks with 5 or less shifts unchanged.

- Tasks between 6 and 10 lowered by 1 shift.

- Tasks above 10 lowered by 2 shifts.

- Overall 30ish shifts removed up to Chapter 6.

- Does not affect open-ended tasks like "decode".

I can't do this for earlier releases as it takes a lot of work and might cause unintended save games issues. New players and repeated playthroughs might be thankful.

I will do a full game playthrough this month and see if I can spot other possible grind corrections. Will let you know if I change anything.

Development update: I am ahead of schedule for once. The mainstory/side story ratio is moving towards mainstory as we move into the endgame.

Have a lovely day



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