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Here's the July pack preview, hope ya like it ;)

Drake: Powerplay gets a whole bunch of new characters! Still working on their designs.... Expect some tweaks and maybe some character sheets to come out later on.

Gohan+Trunks plow Goku Goku gets flipped by the two boys. Its a sequel pic to the one from last month. Guess SSJ3 really takes a lot outta ya...

In The Alley 3 The return of the hobo! I'm gonna give this dude a name for sure. He seems pretty popular. Perhaps this alleyway can be some kind of original hobo omniverse where hot guys get dragged in from anywhere...

Kuromaru VS Alex from Street Fighter I love watching Mugen stuff. I wanna draw some crazy things with Kuromaru and perhaps some other Mugen oddities too



Drake: Powerplay Exclusive Art Pack

I will be working on a Drake-only Reward for Patrons who only wanna catch up on comic pages. I will piece it together and post it when I get the chance :)

Patrons with a pledge that includes older art packs -- please message me the name of the one you want now!




Hello Hotcha, I pledged to you because your $22 per month attracted me. When I could get your Drake comic page1-14? I really love your work. Thanks.


heya! i'ev sent it to you in a message. please check your inbox!


This was a great pack. Here's hoping the next hobo page involves those nice tits getting used and abused somehow >: D