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The results are in!

After 117 votes , the 2 most popular characters are... Goku and Broly!

I watched the poll progress, Goku took a strong 1st place lead right at the start and held it for a while, then Broly slowly clawed his way into first, and Gohan stayed steady 3rd place.

There are a lot of cool ideas in the comments, particularly ideas for adding villains and dragons into the mix. I couldn't agree more... I'll start thinking of ways for these dragons and monstery villains to use up our hot sayan musclemen >:)

You can see all the comments from other Patrons and the Poll itself HERE

Now back to coloring this month's art pack.. its almost done and will be posted soon!

PS. i might make this poll public in a few days in case anyone is interested in seeing where the poll goes outside of Patreon




Ooh Broly :D ! I like the idea with Mr Satan ! Fun and hot :p


And one precious soul likes Oolong XD


hehe, he probably knows that Oolong has the ability to shapeshift ;)