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moving right into september stuff! i made these today.  there was no goal other than to fill out the canvas. 

i tried out a different drawing process.  i moved between sketching, shading, and inking all at the same time, instead of the standard approach of:  sketch-->ink-->flats-->shade.

maybe i will give Ike a father (black haired guy?) .... blond hair guy was just playing with proportions/muscle. kinda looks like super sayan drake?



Genocide Jaymes

I'm so curious how Ike got mixed up with Drake to begin with? Do you have a particular headcanon in mind? Drake actually likes Ike so I assumed he was special like last elf alive or some shit.


you're almost right on the money... elves are a rarity in the demon world. i wrote a backstory for ike aaaages ago, before any of the powerplay comics. bullet point version: he and drake get caught in a conflict against a particularly nasty character. this villain has already beaten/shamed drake before, and has his sights set on capturing Drake+Ike together. Drake has to stave off the villain and protect Ike in the same go, since elves are completely non violent.

Genocide Jaymes

Is it the Elderdemon? Cause I remember he was fond of Ike in that little page you did even gentle with him and he's had Drake's ass before to?


nope, it's not the elderdemon. i haven't drawn this character before. he's a decrepit old wizard