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The results are in, and the winner by a significant lead is.... Hercules!

Disney's primo twunk will be featured in the upcoming pack. Here's how the rest of the men scored:

1. Hercules - 88

2. Gaston - 59

3. Aladdin - 51

4. King Triton - 45

5. Li Shang - 43

6. Eric - 40

7. Zeus - 38

8. Ariel (boy version) - 25

9. Prince Adam (beast) - 14

10. Frozen poll-troll

11. Le Fou

Special mention goes to Li Shang, who got a lot of shout outs in the comments. He'll show up as I cycle through these men again.

Special pity mention goes out to Le Fou, who lost to the fictitious gag option for Frozen.


If you guys have ideas for future polls or characters, feel free to suggest/comment here.


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