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but was thinking of adding a $5 donation slot for these comic style posts

this being the Asmo and Imp interaction, him finding that this succubus is much more different than the usual.




Asmo and imp now this is very nice, will the Imp be a recurring character?


Could be, mainly there will be all sorts of 1 off characters but i could keep the imp. see how he turns out.


I love size difference, and this hits the spot dead center! I love hoe the imp is crawling on top of Asmo to rail her. Her butt is gorgeous. I can't wait for the finished piece.


not too sure the setting or how this happened to be. i want to create a short little doujin for this but cant think of the setting.


Maybe Asmodeus summoned an imp for some fun but he turned out to have more libido than she expected?