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So I just thought I'd drop an update about this since its a big discovery I learnt from a friend.

I found a new way to improve the physics in my animations (so involving stuff like with the chest, glutes, clothing, hair, etc) and I've also found a way to make my animations/frame rates incredibly smooth - looks really nice, the clips I've tested are extremely fluent.

The down side to this however, is my raw file sizes for these clips has ballooned. A file for a recorded clip that previously was 700 mbs is now 3.5 gigs. Painfully large file size but it won't increase the final file size that I hand out to y'all.  

I'm going to test and update some of my previous clips, like Juri and Mei, because I want some of these previous projects to still look as good as they can be!




At least the thing about the increase in file size when raw, is that it doesn't carry over to the final product, but the end result certainly carries the benefits from that increased size, I'd assume it just means more CPU and memory usage when editing.

Angelo B.

Give it to me now -Stephen Colbert meme-


Yes exactly, if the final product was also affected file size wise, it would be kinda unacceptable. My file sizes, particularly at higher resolutions are already ridiculous.


To be fair though, regarding resolution, the size difference between like, 1080p and 4K can be pretty ridiculous, it's just about minimizing it as much as you can without suffering too much of a loss in quality. I think it's like, h.264 preserves quality better but h.265 is better at compression.


Yeah I think I tried h265 but I was experiencing issues with it. I think playback with it wasn't working on certain applications.


I just join when am I going to get the email

Angelo B.

They are handed our when new stuff is added in. They just got updated a few days ago.


Oh ok thank you


Yeah just give me a little more time and I'll get the emails out to new people.


Thank you

Grim Diddly

grab yourself a portable ssd. i've done some editing on the side and it helps immensely when you're given 50gb of footsge to work through!


Yeah I may very well have to do that. With the way things are going, gonna need all the space I can get!