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I mean I'd say I was surprised by the outcome but... nah I would never say that. :V

Ring girl just utterly crushed the opposition, easily beating everyone else. Although Nurse is winning on SubscribeStar, combined with results here, there's no contest.

So plan of action now is to continue sound editing the Mei animation and then I'll look to doing something with Sadako. I'm assuming people want Ring girl and not Grudge girl.

I want to get the set dressing as good as I can with this one, so before I start Sadako, I'm going to make sure I can nail the environment. Obviously I'm going to need a bit of time to say the least!

I'm going to send out new links to the mega folders just so the new followers get ahold of em. So if you see links in your email again, nothing brand new in there yet.



Angelo B.

Don't let Mei down. She deserves the best always.