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Copy and Paste from the discord server:
Patreon page will be paused for the month of November and will resume hopefully in December.

Need some time to recharge/sort myself out.
Will still be finishing up some promised content while everything is paused.

Haven't been drawing enough and just can't draw lately.
Not the best thing to say or hear. But I'm feeling pretty unhappy with art right now, more so than I thought, and being depressed enough already isn't helping.  

Sorry, everyone.
If possible, I'll try to post up what I can.

Content hasn't been posted here in a bit, but content has still got on up (though very little) on the server. Will upload those before October is up.



Take as much time as you need and more my god emperor of awesomeness friend. *yetihug* your health and happiness come first.


Take as much time as you need. Everyone has to rest and recharge once in a while.